

We adapt the Salesforce Platform for your business needs!!


We adapt the Salesforce Platform for your business needs!!

Technology will be pivotal in helping organizations address the evolving challenges and help them drive competitive advantage.

TRUGlobal has been proving that a thought-out CRM strategy and robust software add up to efficient customer relationship management. To achieve this goal, our team assists you at any stage of the Salesforce implementation, from consulting and tweaking the platform to custom solution development and user training.


Salesforce Consulting

Salesforce Development

Salesforce Administration Services

Salesforce Data Loader / Management

Lightning Web Components

Salesforce Support

Salesforce Data Loader / Management


  • SALESFORCE CONSULTING: With an Effective team of Experienced and Certified Consultants, we make Salesforce Implementation Simple and Cost-Effective for our customers. We can also help you re-invent your legacy systems on the Salesforce platform. We cover the followings
  • Defining business objectives: Defining business objectives Salesforce is to support. Whether you need to enable reports with increased visibility, reduce long sales cycles or case resolution time, introduce efficient email marketing campaigns or automate your sales and customer service-related processes, Salesforce consulting helps to address your challenges timely and efficiently.
  • Mapping business objectives into Salesforce features: Mapping business objectives into Salesforce features takes place after your business goals are clear. Now it’s time to choose Salesforce functionality (either default or custom) to achieve them.
  • Recommending the most suitable Salesforce edition: Recommending the most suitable Salesforce edition. Choosing the right edition means that you get your business challenges addressed without paying for unneeded features. We analyze your requirements and suggest an edition, which will be a perfect match for your business.
  • Designing sales, customer service and marketing processes: Designing sales, customer service and marketing processes in Salesforce Sales, Service and Marketing Clouds. For instance, we automate sales and customer service workflows, create personalized customer journeys, targeted advertising campaigns and do a lot more to help our customers reach their business goals with Salesforce.

Designing a user adoption strategy: Building a user adoption strategy. To help your users to master the new system, we create a user adoption strategy, which comprises iterative user training, timely user support by the Salesforce admin, release notes, and rewards for advanced Salesforce users


  • SALESFORCE APP DEVELOPMENT: We build reliable and bug-free applications that make Salesforce fully cover our customers’ or their clients’ business needs in improving or transforming sales, marketing and customer service processes. We also build apps that become popular with a large audience and rank high on AppExchange.
  • Custom apps for internal needs: Сomplex apps that add substantial functionality to Salesforce. They cover the needs in improving or transforming internal business processes that can’t be addressed with regular CRM functionality. For example, applications for property management or delivery planning.

Small apps to solve a set of specific tasks within Salesforce, like document generation, lead assignment.

  • Apps for AppExchange: Applications to be listed on AppExchange and become an independent source of revenue. Applications to be listed on AppExchange for integrating a company’s product (a cloud platform, a web application, etc.) with Salesforce.

We help you achieve more than your expectations –

  • Our certified and skilled Salesforce consultants will guide you throughout the process.
  • Expertise in both Sales Cloud, Service Cloud
  • Custom Applications


SALESFORCE ADMINISTRATION: Of all the Salesforce designations, the role of a Salesforce Administrator is the most important. Administrators are responsible for the overall functionality and optimum deployment of Salesforce within an organization. TRUGlobal has skilled and experienced Salesforce Administrators to assist you in successful implementation and operation of Salesforce in your organization.

Our Salesforce Administration can be broadly divided into five categories based on specific time intervals.

Services In Real-Time: 

  • Our administrators indulge in unlocking specific user accounts and/or resetting passwords if a user forgets their credentials.
  • They help you in dealing with issues regarding Single sign-on (SSO), two-factor authentication, and certificate issues.
  • They help you in adding white-listed IP addressed within your system.
  • They help you in making modifications in or creating new Salesforce reports.
  • They look after troubleshooting of email campaigns, approval cycles, workflows, and auto-responders that might generate bounced emails.
  • They indulge in refining or leveraging specific access privileges and sharing rules, allowing you to view and manipulate records efficiently.
  • If some of the data records have been set with record types or if ownership has denied their access to users, the administrators would help you fix these records.

Services On A Weekly Basis

  • The Salesforce Administrator would take a weekly snapshot of your system data and attachments, run it, and store the same onto the platform. This data, including all history tables, are stored for a period of at least 90 days.
  • They help you in running tools for data de-duplication such as DemandTools and Ring Lead to avoid your data sets being duplicated.
  • They indulge in running adoption and data quality dashboards.
  • Keep a track of APEX queues and time-bound workflow, ensuring there are no unexpected entries into the system.
  • They keep a regular check on the login history table to ascertain any user lockouts, unexpected IP addresses, and login errors.
  • They hold the responsibility of deactivating specific users, whether they have left the organization or switched to a job position that does not require the use of SFDC.
  • They are in charge of transferring the ownership of records resulting out of a change in job responsibilities or coverage of the territory.
  • They overlook the import of leads and contacts onto the CRM platform.
  • They are empowered to change the escalation and delegation paths belonging to workflows and approval cycles.
  • They are responsible for running all the APEX tests within your system, helping you spot errors resulting out of changes in triggers, validation rules, or because of data cleanup.

Services On A Monthly Basis

  • The administrators would make monthly changes and additions to your pick-list values and other relevant fields.
  • They have the responsibility of running field utilization reports, helping you identify new sources of data pollution.
  • They undertake a total metadata backup of your sandbox images and your main system image with the help of Eclipse before refreshing your sandboxes.
  • They are also responsible for refreshing your sandboxes and coordinating the timings of such updates with developers using the concerned sandbox.
  • They would gain all relevant knowledge about high-priority fixes by and install the same within your system.
  • They would make archive copies of error logs present in your integration server or any connected applications.
  • They are responsible for running a full system data backup on all the systems and applications integrated with SFDC.
  • They help you run Salesforce Data Loader or other data extraction tool for pulling out the custom setting data and compare the same with the corresponding files belonging to the previous month.
  • As the administrators would possess names of all custom settings, they would compare the current custom settings metadata with the exports of metadata in Eclipse of the previous month, spotting necessary differences in object definitions.
  • They would also manually add the “notes” field in your production system if a custom setting object does not contain the same.
  • They are also responsible for looking into your email logs and identifying any unwanted use of email through the platform of Salesforce CRM .

Services Provided On A Quarterly Basis:

  • The administrators are responsible for adding and removing the members of your Salesforce Communities or Partner Portals.
  • They would download CSV from your system administrator set up audit log.
  • They would run Reports to identify the Salesforce reports that have not been run by users for over six months. After identifying them, the reports are hidden from the users, but not deleted from the system.
  • They are responsible for running the “Roles by Profile” report, helping you ascertain the roles or profiles with no active users.
  • They indulge in the examination of new pick-list values that have been modified or added to specific fields in your system.
  • They obtain an overview of the health of your system’s object model by running the tools of Field Trip and Easy Describe on all the tables.
  • The archive (not delete) weekly data snapshots that are older than 90 days.

Services Provided On An Annual Basis:

  • The administrators would create an archive of all the field history tables of your system, making sure your audit trail goes beyond a year.
  • They indulge in archiving or purging specific documents, tasks, and emails to reduce the storage changes within your system while complying with all email/document retention policies of your organization.
  • They would archive relevant Chatter histories for compliance, regulatory, and auditing reasons.
  • They also help you in updating your system road maps; summarizing new upgrades and feature additions that would help you attain your organizational goals.


SALESFORCE DATA LOADER / MANAGEMENT: Data is THE most important element of running a CRM platform. Every business process undertaken by your team members revolves around storing, recording, processing, tracking and analyzing the customer database. It is therefore important for you to look after managing your data to ensure smooth functioning of your organization.

Our team will help you manage your complicated database in a quick, simplified, and efficient manner. Our Salesforce Data Loader services are specifically tailored to suit the needs of your organization.

  • Simple and Secure Operations: All the operations undertaken by our experts will use your existing Salesforce credentials for logging in and operating onto the platform of Data Loader. We will ensure that you do not have to go through the hassles of downloading a separate application. Also, operating out of your Salesforce credentials ensures complete security of your valuable data.
  • Smart Data Mapping: We will help you in mapping your data sets from the source files to your Salesforce fields in a faster and more efficient manner. Such data mapping is carried out with the help of features such as keyboard shortcuts, search filters, and auto-mapping.
  • Getting Rid Of Redundant Work: Our team focuses on reducing the time and effort employed by your team in managing your database. With the help of Salesforce Dataloader, we help you export all related objects and records with a single pull, saving you from the hassles of redundant and manual work.
  • Connection With Suitable External Platforms: We help you connect with platforms such as DropBox, Box, SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), and File Transfer Protocol (FTP), helping you import your data to and export data from these platforms in a quick and easy manner.
  • Scheduling Data Management Tasks: We also help you divide work and schedule specific tasks related to your data management in an hourly, daily, weekly and monthly cycle. This will notify the users with regards to the tasks scheduled and would ensure that your work is completed in a timely manner.
  • Cloud-based Management: One of the biggest advantages of availing Salesforce Data Loader services is the fact that it facilitates Cloud-based management of your data. We would optimize the Cloud-based platform to increase your work flexibility and backing up of data on Salesforce Cloud. Moreover, Cloud-based management would facilitate simplified platform administration with the help of queues, history, and operation logs.
  • Use Of Advanced Features: We believe in making optimum use of technology and being in sync with the latest advancements. Our Salesforce Data Loader services will involve the use of advanced features. Some of these features include “Automapper” that would help you connect all similar fields on the platform, support of Large Volume API and an efficient Function Library for advanced data transformations using the application.


SALESFORCE LIGHTNING WEB COMPONENTS: we help you implement the advanced platform of Salesforce Lightning to help you make the most of your CRM data an use the same to provide personalized services to your customers. Staying true to the name, Salesforce Lightning development helps you speed up your business processes and leverage your output according to your requirements.

Our Salesforce Lightning development services are aimed at increasing the automation in your business processes, helping you and your sales reps save a sufficient amount of time and effort that can be used to focus other more important areas of business.

Our Offerings are:

Improved Customer Experience: Salesforce Lightning is essentially an upgrade from the older Salesforce Classic version and offers you with more advanced tools. All these tools revolve around providing a better buying journey and experience to your customers. Carry out hyper-targeting and reach out to your customers with the help of specific criteria through the most suitable media channels. The platform helps you gather all relevant details about your customers and helps you use the same in providing services tailored according to their needs and preferences.

Moreover, the automated platform helps you communicate with your clients/customers with the right messages at the right time. This ensures that you indulge in effective marketing and sales communication to get the best results.

Advanced User Interface To Perform Better Tasks: Perform an array of marketing and sales processes with the help of an advanced and user-friendly interface. Such a UI makes it easier for the user to create necessary tasks, create and manage a variety of events, handle log calls, manage client emails, and several other business processes.

Salesforce Lightning development provides you with an interface that helps you keep a track of all your leads, contacts, cases, opportunities, and accounts serviced by your team and perform a variety of tasks on a unified platform.

Seamless Mobile Customization: Take your workplace flexibility and efficiency a notch higher with the help of seamless mobile customization of your Lightning Cloud. Access all the major tools and features on a mobile application, allowing your team members to log in from any location at any time with their activities recorded on a real-time basis.

The advanced user interface offered by our Salesforce Lightning development services allows you to render Lightning pages for your mobile, allowing you to perform a variety of activities without being concerned about the platform your team is working on.

Improved Reports and Dashboards: Summarize all the activities performed by your team and view them on a unified platform by creating advanced and automated reports and dashboards. We help you create dashboards that are in sync with your business requirements, having more than two or three columns with filters.

Make creating, editing, and viewing of customizable reports better with improved tools that provide better viewing experience and make your reports show more and say less. Such reports help your senior management in getting a complete picture of the organization and make important business decisions.

Create Smart And Improved List Views: View your CRM data in the best way possible with the help of innovative and dynamic list views. Make use of intuitive and out-of-the-box filters to obtain a better view of your data, facilitating improved data slicing, and organized data management.

Ease Of Performance: Do not worry if your team members are not experts in coding and software programming. Our Salesforce Lightning development services are dedicated to providing you with the utmost ease of carrying out several important activities.

Salesforce Lightning comes with a range of simple drag-and-drop tools that help the users in performing various activities with ease and efficiency. Such simple functionality not only helps your team members work with ease but also facilitates faster and more sustainable user adoption.

Customizable Homepage: The homepage is one of the most overlooked yet important elements for the business’ websites. Salesforce Lightning development involves the creation of a highly customizable homepage that is, in equal parts, aesthetic and informative. The platform allows you to create, view, and edit your homepage, making it more smart and intelligent for the users and the clients. Monitor the performance of every activity performed with the help of a customized Performance Chart. These charts provide you with detailed and reliable insights pertaining to different business processes carried out by your team.

Additionally, you can customize your homepage by having a provision for viewing news about your partners, customers, and other relevant entities to stay updated and ahead of the curve.

Build Strong Apps Using Lightning Component: Develop and deploy powerful applications using the Salesforce environment suitable for businesses belonging to all industries and serving all major purposes. Lightning Components help you create customizable web and mobile applications with an advanced and automated framework. This framework facilitates building strong single-page applications with smart and dynamic user interfaces.

Salesforce Lightning Components allow you to create web and mobile apps without affecting your existing data and typing the codes again. This extends the feature of simple UI provided by Salesforce Lightning development.

Cross-Platform App Development: Salesforce Lightning development allows you to build mobile and web applications that can be used across multiple platforms. According to the specific needs of your clients, you can create applications to improve their buying journey and provide them with personalized services using your CRM data.

Salesforce Lightning App: We help you implement the Salesforce Lightning app for increased flexibility in carrying out your business processes. You get a ready application that can be customized according to your specific business needs and the marketing/sales goals you are willing to attain.

Salesforce Lightning Communities: Leverage the power of CRM by building organized and interactive Lightning Communities. These communities act as a meeting ground for your clients, partners, and other entities directly or indirectly associated with your organization.

Lightning Communities help different users connect with each other and share valuable information pertaining to the CRM platform. Such interactions help them solve their confusion, queries, doubts, and complaints without having to wait for the executives to get involved.

Artificial Intelligence By Einstein: Salesforce Lightning development includes implementation of the exclusive artificial intelligence tool for Salesforce – Einstein. This tool extends the automated nature of your CRM platform by helping you make sense of your database.

Salesforce Einstein scans your database and helps you in making sales forecasts, predicting customer behavior, handling sales pipeline, and in performing several activities to leverage the overall functionality of your system.

User Adoption Support: We understand how important it is for your team to switch to the newer and more advanced CRM platform. Techila Global Services provides you with personalized user adoption support to help your team switch from the native platform to Salesforce Lightning.

Apart from providing training to the Salesforce users, we provide you with Salesforce Responsive Application for improved user adoption. This application slowly helps you get used to the Lightning framework as it makes you perform Salesforce Lightning activities wrapped in a native interface.


SALESFORCE SUPPORT: No matter how successful your Salesforce implementation is, you will definitely need some Salesforce help at some stage. Your system might face irregularities in carrying out specific actions. Your sales reps may find it difficult to understand new tools and platforms. There are many small and big administrative issues that can be faced while using the CRM platform and may need Salesforce support.

However, we make sure that there are no hiccups in your business processes due to a lack of Salesforce assistance by providing exclusive Salesforce support services to you.

Our Various Support services include:

  • Administration Support Services
  • Data Administration
  • Day-to-day Administration
  • Round-the-cloud System Monitoring
  • Periodic Checkup
  • Help Desk
  • Development Support Services
  • Troubleshooting Problems
  • System Upgrades

Our Approach

There are two major approaches for providing you with our support services

  1. Task-based Approach: This is a common approach if you are looking for our Salesforce technical support services. As the name suggests, our Salesforce experts will design solutions and provide services based on one or more specific tasks. Here, your IT managers will play an important part in getting the services approved and monitored.
  2. Need-based Approach: This is a more wholesome approach to our Salesforce support services. Our team will assess your specific business needs and design the services accordingly. Here, your business managers will play an important role in getting the services approved and monitored.

SALESFORCE IMPLEMENTATION: including consulting, configuration, customization (tuning the platform and custom development), migration, integration. We also deliver support and evolution services. We help to support sales, service, and marketing efforts for various customers from different industries, such as IT, Manufacturing, Retail, Healthcare, Finance And Banking, Public Sector, Telecoms and more.


  1. Salesforce consulting: At this stage, we analyze your existing business needs and define business objectives that Salesforce should support (be it increasing salespeople’s productivity, reducing long sales cycles or creating a comprehensive customer view). Then we elaborate the ways to achieve your business goals with Salesforce functionality and think about necessary customizations and integrations that make the solution fully compliant with your requirements. We also thoroughly plan the implementation process to perform its every step in due time and stay within the budget.
  2. Customization and configuration: We can tailor your Salesforce solution in two ways, which are different in complexity, cost and the level of the platform’s modification. Configuration implies modifying Salesforce default capabilities with point-and-click tools. By contrast, customization is a development process, allowing to deeper tailor the platform with Apex code, if large-scale changes are required to meet your business objectives.
  3. Integration: We perform integrations to make your Salesforce solution seamlessly work with third-party systems, such as ERP, ecommerce platforms, document management systems, and ensure increased visibility of data flows across integrated applications.
  4. Data transfer from old CRM: We smoothly migrate your data into the new Salesforce solution without data loss or corruption, system downtime and impact on your business processes. Due to analyzing and structuring your legacy data before the migration, the data remains well-structured and ready to use as soon as it is migrated. To further support data quality after its migration, we develop rules of data structuring (for instance, duplicate rules).
  5. User training: We provide Salesforce training to increase user adoption and help users to adapt to the capabilities of the delivered Salesforce-based solution, make the best possible use of Salesforce default and custom features and enhance employee productivity.
  6. Launch: After we create a custom Salesforce-based solution in the development environment and QA engineers test it, the solution is migrated to the UAT (User Acceptance Testing) environment where the representatives of the customer company can try the solution’s functionality and make sure it works as required. If the customer accepts the project, TRUGlobal’s experts launch the new Salesforce solution to the production environment and make it available to the customer’s employees.
  7. After-launch support: We provide on-demand after-launch support services at the beginning of the Salesforce usage (for instance, during the first 3 months after launch). These services allow tuning features and taking measures to increase user adoption in addition to user training (consult on any Salesforce-related issues, provide release notes, etc.)

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